The PAT climbing platform is a steel construction and 3.50 m in width. It is versatile and enables to construct a safe working platform. In addition, this climbing system is adaptable to any surface and any type of formwork.
Easy and fast assembly
Versatile applicable
High load-bearing capacity
Easy and fast anchoring
High workplace safeness
Construction of a viaduct in the province of Khemissat (Morocco)
For the construction of a viaduct on the Qued Beth to the deviation of the RR701 in the province of Khemissat (Morocco), the piers and bridge trailers H. 33 meters were realized with various formwork systems from Interfama: Wall formwork Maxim in combination with special round elements RSS, climbing formwork KBK and PAT .
Construction of the “Schivito Macchie” viaduct in Grottaminarda
The following INTERFAMA formwork systems are in use for the construction of the viaduct: the MAXIM formwork system for walls, pillars and bridge trailers, the RP work consoles for the pier shafts and bridge trailers, the KBK climbing system as a work platform, special formwork made of wood and steel for the design of the trailer and the Tower stairs UNIK.
Construction of the SS675 expressway
For the construction of the SS675 expressway including the Zoppo, Bedano and Crognolo tunnels, INTERFAMA is supplying the MAXIM formwork system and special round-shaped RSS elements for wall panels and pillars, complete with the PAT and KBK climbing systems.